
Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

Manitoba takes a dynamic role in immigrant recruitment and selection to deal with local economic and labor market needs and skill shortages in the province.

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) seeks skilled workers, business people and their families with the intention and ability to settle and economically establish themselves as Permanent Residents in Manitoba. There are 3 broad categories:

1. MPNP for Skilled Workers

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Manitoba Work Experience Pathway Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway

Skilled Workers Overseas:

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway Human Capital Pathway In Demand Occupations List

2. International Education Stream

Career Employment Pathway International Student Entrepreneur Pathway Graduate Internship Pathway

3. Business Investor Stream (BIS)

Entrepreneur Pathway Farm Investor Pathway

Applying for a Permanent resident visa as a Provincial nominee is a two-part process:

  1. The MPNP is responsible for nominating applicants for permanent resident status in Canada who have satisfactorily demonstrated their intention and ability to establish successfully as skilled workers in Manitoba.People who are eligible and approved will be sent a Manitoba Certificate of Nomination.
  2. The Government of Canada is responsible for ensuring that all applicants for permanent resident status meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act including all medical, criminal, and background checks. The Government of Canada has the final authority to approve or refuse the issuance of a permanent resident visa.

1. MPNP for Skilled Workers

The MPNP for Skilled Workers is based on the needs of local employers who need trained and experienced workers with the skills needed in the local labour market. These skilled workers subject to fulfilling the requirements can be nominated to receive Canadian Permanent resident visas to settle and work in Manitoba. There are 2 streams:

Skilled Workers in Manitoba
Skilled Workers Overseas

Skilled Category:

MPNP is an economic program, which selects skilled workers who have the training, work experience and language ability to be employed in Manitoba to make a positive contribution to the provincial economy.

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Manitoba Work Experience Pathway Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway

The Manitoba Work Experience Pathway is for applicants currently working in Manitoba with temporary work permits and whose jobs are not found on the In-demand Occupations list. The Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway is for international applicants with job offers from pre-approved Manitoba employers.

Manitoba Work Experience Pathway Eligibility Criteria:

An MPNP applicant is eligible to apply to the Manitoba Work Experience Pathway if:

  • Applicant is currently working in Manitoba with temporary work permit
  • Has a Permanent Full time Job offer from a Manitoba Employer
  • Has completed at least 6 months of Full time employment as a Temporary foreign worker or International student working graduate
  • International student graduates must have attended an authorized education or training program at a public, post-secondary institution in Manitoba.
  • If an International student has graduated from another province then the applicant should have worked for 1 year with a Manitoba employer
  • Legal status in country of residence
  • Valid Work permit through IRCC
  • Must have relevant education /training and a license or certification relevant to the occupation
  • Sufficient training and work experience in the intended occupation
  • Meet requirements of occupation listed on MPNP Occupational Requirements List
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7 for Regulated occupations / CLB 6 for Compulsory trades/ CLB 5 for NOC O,A or B Occupations
  • Have settlement supports in Manitoba to assist upon arrival
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources
  • Submit Settlement Plan to live, work and establish in Manitoba as Permanent Resident
  • Must be residing and working in Manitoba at time of application
  • Strong potential to settle successfully in Manitoba

Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway Eligibility Criteria:

This pathway directly supports applicants interviewed outside Canada by the MPNP and an eligible employer, and received an Invitation to Apply from the MPNP.

An MPNP applicant is eligible to apply to the Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway If:

  • Has a Permanent Full time Job offer from an eligible Manitoba Employer
  • Has a minimum of 3 years of experience relevant to the occupation being recruited
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7 for Regulated occupations / CLB 6 for Compulsory trades/ CLB 5 for NOC O,A or B Occupations
  • Be of age 21-45
  • Must have post secondary education or training related to occupation being recruited
  • Must have relevant education /training and a license or certification relevant to the occupation
  • Sufficient training and work experience in the intended occupation
  • Meet requirements of occupation listed on MPNP Occupational Requirements List
  • Have settlement supports in Manitoba to assist upon arrival
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources
  • Legal status in country of residence
  • Strong potential to settle successfully in Manitoba
  • Demonstrate the ability and intent to live, work and establish in Manitoba as Permanent Resident
  • Application Fee $500

Skilled Workers Overseas

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway Human Capital Pathway

Applicants applying under this category should demonstrate a connection to Manitoba through any of the below links:

Support of Family members or Friends Previous Education or Work experience Invitation to apply

Skilled Worker Overseas stream is subdivided into two pathways — the Manitoba Express Entry Pathway and the Human Capital Pathway.

The Manitoba Express Entry Pathway will allow Manitoba to nominate qualified applicants who meet the criteria for Canada’s Express Entry system and have an active Express Entry profile.

Among other criteria, priority will be given to candidates who have a minimum of six-month experience in an in-demand occupation as well as a close friend or relative in Manitoba or a valid Invitation to Apply issued by the MPNP.

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway:

An MPNP applicant is eligible to apply to the Manitoba Express Entry Pathway if:

  • Demonstrate acceptance into the Express Entry pool by providing a valid Express Entry Id and Job seeker Validation Code
  • Minimum of 6 months work experience in an occupation on the In Demand Occupations List
  • Submit a Complete career plan
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7 for NOC O, A and / CLB 6 for NOC B Occupations
  • Completed one post secondary program of at least one year
  • Must have relevant education /training and a license or certification relevant to the occupation
  • Demonstrate the ability and intent to live, work and establish in Manitoba as Permanent Resident
  • Have confirmed support of a close friend or relative who has resided in Manitoba for at least one year or
  • Hold a valid Invitation To Apply
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources for a six month period

Human Capital Pathway

The Human Capital Pathway is for international skilled worker applicants with skills and training covered by the In-demand Occupations list, and who demonstrate a high potential for establishing themselves in their chosen occupations sooner after arrival in Manitoba. Family connections or previous post-secondary or work experience in Manitoba in the last five years are required to qualify for this stream, among other criteria.

An MPNP applicant is eligible to apply to the Human Capital Pathway if:

  • Minimum of 6 months work experience in an occupation on the In Demand Occupations List
  • Submit a Complete career plan
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7 for Regulated occupations / CLB 6 for Compulsory trades/ CLB 5 for NOC O,A or B Occupations
  • Completed one post secondary program of at least one year
  • Must have relevant education /training and a license or certification relevant to the occupation
  • Demonstrate the ability and intent to live, work and establish in Manitoba as Permanent Resident
  • Have confirmed support of a close friend or relative who has resided in Manitoba for at least one year or
  • Previous post secondary education completed in Manitoba within 5 years or
  • Previous work experience in Manitoba within the past 5 years or
  • Hold a valid Invitation To Apply
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources for a six month period
  • Application Fee $500

In Demand Occupations List

The In demand Occupations List is based on the needs of Manitoba Employers and skills needed in the local labor market.

The In demand Occupations List will be used to prioritize EOI for inviting applications from the new Skilled Worker Overseas stream such as Manitoba Express Entry Pathway & The Human Capital Pathway that is for international skilled worker applicants with skills and training covered by the In-demand Occupations list, and who demonstrate a high potential for establishing themselves in their chosen occupations after arrival in Manitoba.

Support of Family members or Friends

A Manitoba Supporter is a friend or relative of the applicant and is willing and able to review the applicants plan and finding employment in their destination community.

A Manitoba Supporter must be:

  • Able to provide documents proving that he or she has been living in Manitoba continuously for a minimum of one year;
  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • Able to demonstrate sufficiently close ties to the applicant and the province;
    • For close relatives, both the applicant and the supporter must provide documents proving their familial relationship.
    • Close relatives are considered to be those related to the applicant (or the applicant’s spouse) in one of the following ways: Sister or brother, Niece or nephew, Aunt or uncle, First cousin, Mother or father, Grandmother or grandfather.
  • Able to support the applicant’s Settlement Plan.

Previous Education or Work experience

In this category candidates must have lived in the province in the past as either a Temporary Foreign worker or as an International student.

Applicants with prior work experience in Manitoba must:

  • Has worked full-time for a Manitoba employer for a minimum of six months
  • Submit a signed employer letter of reference on Company letterhead; and
  • Submit a copy of Work permit proving they worked in the Manitoba.

Applicants with previous educational experience in Manitoba must:

  • Had attended and completed an authorized education or training program at a public post-secondary institution in Manitoba
  • Submit their Study permit, academic transcripts and certificate, diploma or degree as Proof that they studied in Manitoba

Invitation to apply

An MPNP applicant must upload in MPNP Online the Letter of Invitation they received from the MPNP after an Interview with a program officer during a recruitment mission or exploratory visit.

An applicant must meet the following for an Exploratory visit:

  • Are between the ages of 21 and 45;
  • Can demonstrate the employability and adaptability required of all MPNP applicants
  • Have completed, at minimum, a one-year, post-secondary education or training program for which they received a diploma, degree or certificate
  • Have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years
  • Submit a Settlement Plan that demonstrates their genuine intention and ability to economically establish and settle in Manitoba as a permanent resident; and
  • Submit official results of an approved language test taken within the past two years showing they achieved scores equivalent to at least CLB 6 in each component as well as overall.
  • Submit language test results with at least CLB 5

2. MPNP International Education Stream

This stream will target graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs who are completing internships “that support industry innovation” in their fields of study. It is for international students graduating in Manitoba and whose skills meet the needs of the province’s employers.

An applicant must meet the following for this category: Career Employment Pathway:

  • Completed a graduate program in STEM in Manitoba within past 3 years or
  • Graduated in the past 3 years from a designated post secondary institution with a minimum 1 year program or
  • Completed a recognized Bridging / Gap Training program offered by a designated institution in Manitoba and passed initial stage of certification by the regulator for the specific occupation associated with that program
  • Have language proficiency of a minimum CLB/NCLC 7
  • If you have completed a graduate program in STEM in Manitoba with a completed internship with eligible industry and research enterprise in Manitoba, you are not required to have a Job offer at the time of application or
  • A Full time job offer from an eligible current employer with a minimum 1 year contract in TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 (NOC O, A, or B) Occupation on Manitoba’s In Demand Occupations List consistent with completed training
  • Demonstrate settlement funds for a six month period or Be employed in a full time long term position in Manitoba
  • Residing in Manitoba at time of application
  • Intent to reside in Manitoba after Nomination

3. International Education Stream: International Graduates

There are 3 immigration options available for International Graduates of Post-secondary institutions of Manitoba under International Education stream.

Career Employment Pathway International Student Entrepreneur Pathway Graduate Internship Pathway

1. Career Employment Pathway

Candidates under this program must have graduated from a Full time program of at least one year/ 2 semesters in length and be living in Manitoba at the time they submit their Expression of Interest (EOI). The Eligibility requirements are:

  • Graduated in the past 3 years from a designated post-secondary institution
  • Language ability of CLB 7
  • Must have a full-time job offer from an eligible current employer in an In Demand Occupation
  • Applicant residing in Manitoba
  • Other criteria
  • Application Fee $500

2. International Student Entrepreneur Pathway

This provides international students who have graduated in Manitoba an opportunity to pursue and establish a Business in Manitoba on a Temporary work permit. The applicant will be nominated by Manitoba for Canadian Permanent Residence if he meets the conditions of their Business Performance Agreement.The Eligibility requirements are:

  • Age 21-35
  • Attend Information session & Business Plan required
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7
  • Completed Full time post-secondary program of at least 2 years in Manitoba
  • Be on an Open work permit or PGWP
  • Intend to reside in Manitoba
  • Other criteria
  • Application Fee $2500

3. Graduate Internship Pathway:

This is open to International students with a Masters or Doctoral degree from Manitoba Post-secondary institutions that are registered in Internships that contribute to Innovation in the province. The Eligibility requirements are:

  • Graduated in the past 3 years from a designated post-secondary institution in Manitoba with a Masters or Doctoral degree
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7
  • Graduates who have completed an Accelerate or Elevate Internship with Mitacs may apply with or without Job Offer
  • Settlement Funds
  • Intend to reside in Manitoba
  • Other criteria
  • Application Fee $500

Expression of Interest (EOIs) :

Interested candidates must submit an Expression of Interest (EOIs). Candidates answer questions on their education, experience, proficiency in English or French among various factors. These profiles are given a ranking score and then entered into a pool of eligible candidates for the given Pathway.

The highest scoring candidates are issued Letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) for a Provincial Nomination from the MPNP during regular draws from the pool. The MPNP invites the highest scoring candidates to submit a full application to the MPNP.


Entrepreneur Pathway Farm Investor Pathway

The MPNP program is to attract outstanding businesspersons who are able and willing to make a capital contribution and to be active in a new or existing business in the Province of Manitoba.

The MPNP Business Investor Stream (BIS) for business allows the province to recruit, select, and nominate capable business people from around the globe who have the intent and ability to move to Manitoba and establish, purchase a business or become partners in an existing business.

These Business people subject to fulfilling the Business requirements can be nominated to receive Canadian Permanent resident visas to settle and operate their business in Manitoba. There are 2 streams:

BIS will prioritize applicants who start a business within the first 12 months of their arrival in Manitoba, especially those who want to establish their business outside Winnipeg.

The eligibility criteria for BIS: Entrepreneur Pathway are:

  • Minimum personal net worth of CDN $500,000
  • Minimum amount of equity investment of CDN $250,000 for businesses situated in Manitoba Capital region
  • Minimum amount of equity investment of CDN $150,000 for businesses situated outside of the Manitoba Capital region
  • Show business experience or 3 years of experience as a Business owner or in senior management role of a successful company
  • Establishment or purchase of an eligible business in Manitoba
  • Create at least one job for a Canadian Citizen or Permanent resident in Manitoba
  • Submit an (EOI) to the program and EOI assessed based on a points system
  • Application processing fee of $ 2500
  • Applicants will receive a temporary work permit by signing a business performance agreement to purchase an existing business in the province or start a new one.
  • Score a minimum of 60 points in the Adaptability Assessment Matrix
  • An education of minimum Canadian high school equivalent
  • Demonstrate sufficient language proficiency by providing Test results of CLB 5
  • Attend an Interview with an MPNP-B officer
  • Submit a Business Plan
  • Business Exploratory Visit to Manitoba one year prior to submission of EOI
  • Have the intention and ability to reside in Manitoba with all dependent family members

Business applicants who are nominated by the Province of Manitoba will be required to apply for immigrant visa through a Canadian Visa Office.

BIS: Farm Investor Pathway

This program allows Manitoba to recruit and nominate qualified Farm business people who have the intent and ability to move to Manitoba and establish, purchase a farm or become partners in an existing farm business in rural Manitoba.

The eligibility criteria to qualify under the Farm Investor Pathway program are:

  • Minimum personal verifiable net worth of CDN$500,000
  • Make a minimum amount of equity investment of CDN$300,000 in farming business in rural Manitoba
  • Principal applicant must be under 40 years of age
  • Possess a minimum of three (3) years of farm ownership experience, or three (3) years farm management background supported by documents
  • Must live on the farm and manage farm operation on day to day basis
  • Farm must be in active Primary agricultural production & economically viable
  • Conduct value added farm business activities in rural Manitoba
  • After the Nomination application is received, participate in an Interview.
  • With approval of application, deliver a Cash Deposit in the amount of CDN$75,000, guaranteeing the establishment or purchase of a Farm business in Manitoba.
  • A Farm Business Research visit to Manitoba for a minimum of 5 working days is mandatory. An Exploratory visit must be completed prior to submitting the Nomination application.
  • Submit visit report to demonstrate research conducted during visit
  • A Farm Business Plan to be submitted

Farmer applicants who are nominated by the Province of Manitoba will be issued with a “Certificate of Nomination” which is required to apply for Permanent immigrant visa through a Canadian Visa Office.

Manitoba PNP Expression of Interest (EOI)

Candidates interested in applying to the MPNP must submit an online profile through EOIs. Applicants complete a series of questions online and receive EOI ranking points based on the provided answers. Their profile is then entered into the pool of eligible candidates. The MPNP invites the highest scoring candidates to submit a full application to the MPNP.

Manitoba’s Express Entry Stream uses an Expression of Interest (EOI) system where candidates who wish to be considered must initially register a separate EOI profile with the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

Express Entry candidates such as Skilled Workers and International Students must register an EOI profile to be considered for provincial nomination from Manitoba.

The profiles are ranked based on various criteria and a set number of highest ranked candidates are invited to apply for a Provincial Nomination.

Candidates who rank high are then invited to apply for a Provincial nomination through regular draws from the pool. Those candidates who receive a Provincial nomination are awarded an additional 600 points towards their Express Entry ranking score.

A New Beginning

Canada wants to attract new immigrants on an annual basis with the emphasis firmly focused on immigrants with economic and professional skills from every part of the world.

In Canada you can start a new life, with never-ending opportunities ahead of you. We will help you plan your transition to the new way of life in Canada carefully, patiently and knowledgably.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility to immigrate to Canada as a Provincial Nominee, we suggest you complete our Free PNP Assessment form either for Skilled or Business categories.

Wesley Immigration Consultants