Temporary Immigration

Temporary Immigration Status refers to people who wish to come to Canada to visit, work or study. They are coming to Canada for a temporary period and are considered visitors and require Visitor Visas, unless they are citizens of visa exempt countries.

To visit Canada one must be:

  • Must be healthy and may need to go through a Medical exam.
  • Must abide by Canadian laws;
  • Need a valid passport
  • Need a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)
  • May need a Letter of Invitation
  • You may need to give Biometrics with your application.

There are three main categories for Temporary Status:

1. Visitor
2. Student Visa
3. Work Permit


A Canadian Visitor Visa will allow you to visit Canada for up to 6 months. It is a popular choice for applicants wishing to visit Canada for a temporary period of up to 6 months. Sometimes an immigration officer at the port of entry will determine how long one can stay in Canada.

The Visit Visas are available under three different categories:

  • Single Entry Canada Visitor Visa
  • A Multiple Entry Canada Visitor Visa
  • A Transit Canada Visitor Visa

Single Entry Canada Visitor Visa:

This allows you to visit Canada only once and is valid for a period of 6 months only. If needed one can apply to extend their Canadian Visitor Visa and will need to make an application for extension at least 30 days before expiry.

A Multiple Entry Canada Visitor Visa:

This allows you to enter and depart Canada on several occasions and is valid for up to 6 months, depending on the issuing case officer. A Multiple Entry visa will be valid for up to 10 years or one month before a passport expires.

A Transit Canada Visitor Visa:

This visa was initially intended for those people entering Canada for a period of 48 hours or less. For example, if your method of transport has to stop in Canada and you are from a country that requires you to have a visa to visit Canada, you will require a Transit Visa.

One is not permitted to work on any of the above Canadian Tourist Visa categories and some applicants may also need to obtain a Temporary Resident Visa in addition to the above if they come from certain countries.

Visitors to Canada must satisfy an immigration officer that:

  • They are in good health & one may be required to undergo a medical examination.
  • They must be able to prove that they have sufficient financial means to support themselves during their visit to Canada.
  • Satisfy visa officials that do not have a criminal record or are a security risk.
  • May need a Letter of invitation from a friend or relative currently residing in Canada.
  • They have important family, social, economic and cultural ties to their country.
  • Convince an officer that Intend to return to their home country and will not try to stay in Canada.

If you have secured your Visit Visa then you may possibly need to obtain a Temporary Resident Visa if you come from certain countries.

We offer visa assistance to Visitors who want to enter Canada temporarily. Please contact us for further information or alternatively fill out the Free Online Visit Assessment Form.

2. Student Visa

An international student is a visitor who has been approved by a Canadian Visa Officer to study in Canada. Immigration Officers look at many factors before deciding whether an applicant qualifies for a study permit.

The student authorization document identifies the level of study, and length of time that the individual may study in Canada.

Foreign students must meet certain immigration requirements to obtain an authorization to study in Canada such as:

  • Present a Letter of Acceptance from the educational institution they plan to attend.
  • You need a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) from the Province or Territory where you plan to study including Masters & Doctoral students.
  • Provide evidence of enough financial resources to pay for tuition and living costs.
  • Prove you have enough money for yourself and any family member who comes with you to Canada
  • Pass a medical examination if required.
  • Satisfy a visa officer that they will return home at the end of their studies.
  • Meet other requirements for visitors, including a temporary resident visa if necessary.
  • Provide Letter of Explanation as to Why you want to study in Canada, your plans for your career in order for the Visa officer to understand your goals.

A student while studying in Canada under a Student Permit must:

  • Be enrolled at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).
  • Make progress towards completing the program.
  • Respect conditions listed on the Study Permit.
  • DLI will report to IRCC on continued enrolment and academic status of student.
  • Leave Canada when the study permit expires.


Canada’s Student Direct Stream programme is available to students applying for a study permit from China, India, Vietnam,, Philippines and other designated countries.

Student Direct Stream enables students faster processing of their Study Visa applications provided they meet all eligibility requirements.

To be part of the SDS and to benefit from expedited processing, you will need to provide proof that:

  • You have been accepted by an eligible post-secondary Designated learning institute (DLI)
  • You need a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) from the Province or Territory where you plan to study
  • You have paid the Full tuition for the first year of study
  • You have obtained a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $20,635 from one of the financial institutions approved by the IRCC to provide this service
  • You have completed an upfront Medical examination
  • You have the minimum-required IELTS level of English language ability of 6.0 in all categories (listening, reading, writing and speaking)
  • Other relevant documents to apply

The Student Direct Stream will make processing time faster for students who satisfy and meet the prescribed requirements for student visa applications.

International students are allowed to work in Canada, under the following circumstances:

  • Working on campus;
  • Working off-campus;
  • Work as a Co-op or internship program;
  • Working in Canada after you graduate;
  • Work permits for students at private institutions; &
  • Work permits for spouses or common-law partners.

A student can work part time on campus or Off campus if they are registered as Full time students at a College or University without a Work permit. However, a Work permit is required if the academic, professional or vocational training program includes a Co-op or Internship component.

A student’s spouse can apply for an Spousal Open Work permit (SOWP) if:

  • The student is a full time student at public college or University / or a private school that awards degrees under Provincial law.
  • Has a valid study permit.
  • Open work permit is valid for the same period of time as the Study permit.
  • An open work permit is not Job specific and hence a labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from ESDC is not required.
  • Submit spouse & dependent children applications at the same time as your own for faster processing

NOTE: Spousal Open Work permit (SOWP)

As of March 19 2024, partners and spouses of international students are eligible for a SOWP only if their sponsor is enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program at a university or polytechnic institution in Canada. However, Spouses of undergraduate students in one of the following professional degree programs at a university are also eligible to apply for a SOWP:

  • Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS, DMD)
  • Bachelor of Law or Juris Doctor (LLB, JD, BCL)
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD)
  • Doctor of Optometry (OD)
  • Pharmacy (PharmD, BS, BSc, BPharm)
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN, BSN, BNSc)
  • Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng., BE, BASc)

An International Student enrolled in a DLI can work part time off campus and Full time during scheduled school breaks without a Work permit.

Study Permit applications may be refused for the following reasons:

  • Student has not shown proof of financial capability.
  • Applicant has not passed the medical examination.
  • Student has not satisfied the Officer that their primary intention in Canada is to study;
  • Student has not satisfied the Officer that they will leave Canada at the end of the period of study.

You do not need a study permit if you are planning to study in a short-term program in Canada of six months or less. Student has to complete their studies within the time approved for stay in Canada.

We are authorized Consultants under Canadian Legislation Bill C-35 to advise students on their Immigration options in Canada as well as apply for a Study permit by completing their Visa applications on a Student’s behalf unlike other education agents.

We provide a full range of visa and admission services to individuals who are interested in studying in Canada. Please contact us for further information or alternatively fill out the Free Online Student Assessment Form.

3. Work Permit – Employment Authorization:

A Work Permit is a document issued by the Canadian government that permits a foreigner to legally work in Canada for a temporary period.

The foreign worker must have a job offer to temporarily work in Canada before he or she can apply for an Employment Authorization. The federal government does not assist in placing foreign workers who are eager to find a job in Canada.

The Employment Authorization approval involves both consideration of the job offer and consideration of the applicant. Most foreign individuals who want to work temporarily in Canada must first have an approved job offer and an employment authorization, prior to arrival.

The steps that have to be followed before one applies for a work permit are:

  • An employer must first offer you a job.
  • Job validation – Employer must have the job offer approved by the local Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
  • ESDC must normally provide a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or ‘Confirmation’ of your job offer. However, some types of work are exempt from this process.
  • After ESDC confirms that a foreign national may fill the job, you apply to IRCC for your work permit.
  • Visa Officials will make a decision if the foreign worker qualifies for the Employment authorization.
  • If an employment authorization is issued, it is valid only for a specified job, employer and specific period of time.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that an employer in Canada needs to obtain from ESDC before hiring a foreign worker. Once an employer gets the LMIA, the worker can apply for the work permit. In order to apply for a work permit a worker needs:

  • A Job Offer letter
  • A Contract
  • A Copy of the LMIA
  • LMIA Number

LMIA is the first and foremost step towards getting a Work permit to Canada.

NOTE: Work Permits will only be granted by Canadian immigration authorities if supported by a positive ” Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)” letter issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), indicating that the proposed employment will not adversely affect Canadian workers and not have a negative impact on the labour market in Canada.

A positive LMIA shows there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. It will show that no Canadian worker or permanent resident is available to do the job.

Canada Immigration does not offer Open Work permits, allowing a foreign national to work anywhere. They are always employer specific, tied to one employer who you have approached and the employer has offered a job that they could not fill with a Canadian candidate.

An applicant who requires a Work permit must meet the following:

  • Prove that they will leave Canada when their work permit expires.
  • Show they have enough money for their stay in Canada.
  • Have no record of criminal activity and not a danger to Canada’s security.
  • Be in good health and have a medical exam.

To work temporarily in Canada you must have a temporary work permit where an employer starts the process of acquiring such a work permit. A work permit does not allow you to immigrate to Canada. You may qualify to become a Permanent resident by applying for your Permanent Resident Visa once you are working in Canada.

Extending Stay:

Whether you are visiting Canada as a tourist or business visitor, working temporarily or studying in Canada, you are required to leave Canada at the end of your stay. If you desire to stay beyond the authorized date, you must apply for an extension before the expiry of your visitor status. If you want to change the terms and conditions of your stay, you must also submit an application.

It is illegal to stay in Canada beyond the validity of your visitor status or to work or study without necessary authorization.

Professional counseling by people, who have lived, studied & worked in Canada!
Wesley Immigration Consultants